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Mo 14.11.2016
20 Uhr
Sláva Daubnerová


P.A.T Platform for Contemporary Theatre SK
SOLO LAMENTOSO Sláva Daubnerová
Slowakisch mit englischen Übertitel
Written, directed and performed by
Sláva Daubnerová
Stage and costume design: Sláva Daubnerová
Choreography: Renata Ptačin
Music and sound design: Matej Gyárfáš
Lighting design: Slavomír Šmálik
Translation: Margit Garajszki, Zsuzsanna Gulyás
Narration: Sláva Daubnerová, Petra Vajdová,
Ján Gallovič
Photography: Jakub Gulyás
Produced by
P.A.T. Platform for Contemporary Theatre
A portrait of a woman forced to listen to music
Within the context of Slovak theatre, Sláva Daubnerová occupies a singularplace – she is an at once an author, director, performer and actress. She is known for pushing boundaries and conventions in contemporary Slovak theatre, combining genres and pronounced experimentation on a formal and aesthetic level. She also proves this with her latest physical-visual performance. It is inspired by a banal story about increasing aversion among people, which suggests that this is one way in which extremism is born. Daubnerová takes a step away from thematizing the personal
within her body of work (where she would focus on female artists) towards thematizing socially engaged subject matter. Solo lamentoso is based on real events which have been reported by the media in recent past. The confession of a woman playing an aria becomes a device for Daubnerová with which she can approach timeless topics, such as the ambiguity of truth and the fight of an individual against society.
Daubnerová, a conceptual experimenter, blends authenticity and documentary techniques with fiction in order to pose fundamental questions about the boundaries of humanity and the position of an outsider within our society, thus creating a performance oscillating between documentary, physical and strongly visual theatre.
Preise: 20,- Euro / 16,- Euro (Ö1) / 12,- Euro (Studenten/Senioren)
Abo: 60,- Euro / 40,- Euro
mit freundlicher Unterstützung von: (© 2010)